Conversion Plan: Non-registered user
10 MB file size limit

10 conversions per day

Conversions used

0 / 10

Convert XML to JSON Online

Online Converter: Convert XML file to JSON format

Set options and click 'Run Conversion' button
Drag and Drop the file on "Browse" button or click "Browse" to select the file
For batch conversion upload archive (zip, rar, 7z, xz).
White space for indentation
Attributes prefix
Text prefix
Always make an object for attributes
Always make an object for text node
Click button to run the conversion
5.0 - 5 votes
We offer Custom Converter development to provide you with a fully customized solution of files conversion and data processing based on your business or personal requirements. Learn more.

You may help others to find this website - Share your experience!

How XML to JSON Converter works?

Why to convert XML to JSON?

The XML format has a specific structure which allows to store a different type of data in XML files.

In the modern software development, files in JSON format became more popular because of the JSON format simplicity. JSON files can also store different type of data in a structured way. But the advantage of JSON format is that JSON files are easier to process by the machine, which saves the server resources.

Choosing JSON format for storing data can significantly save the computing power resources as well as the amount of required storage space. This makes JSON format a very optimal solution for a many software applications.

XML Validation

As a first step, we read an XML source file and validate it. During the validation process, we check the data structure of the XML for errors. If there are a lot of errors in the XML file structure - we couldn't process such a file.

XML Data Parsing

On the parsing step we import XML data file, read and understand the data structure and extract the data from the XML.

Data Transformation

When the data from the source XML file is extracted, the next step is to transform the data from XML-based representation into the objects-representation such as the JSON format.
XML to JSON converter uses the following rules to transform the data:
  • Every XML tag represents the separate JSON object
  • Every XML attribute represents the separate JSON object key-value
  • Repeatable XML tags are forming a JSON array of objects

Saving to JSON file

Once the data is transformed into JSON representation and combined based on the XML to JSON converter rules, it is saved into the JSON file.

Coming soon

Please note, this XML to JSON converter is still under development and we will be adding more options soon to define the different output format.

XML File Format

XML Format

XML is an abbreviation from "Extensible Markup Language".
XML is both machine-readable and human-readable format and can be edited in any text editor.

XML Tags

XML Tags should have correctly defined names, starting with a character, and not a number.
For example,
valid: <Products>
not valid: <1stWeekData>

Start and End Tags

There are defined start-tag (or opening tag): <Products>
and end-tag (or closing tag): </Products>.

XML Root Element

XML document can have only one root element. Root element is a start-tag and end-tag, and the rest of the XML content should be placed inside those tags.
For example,
..xml content here

Special Characters Escaping

Special characters inside XML like <, >, &, ' and " should be escaped as follows:
  • &lt; represents "<"
  • &gt; represents ">"
  • &amp; represents "&"
  • &apos; represents "'"
  • &quot; represents '"'

XML Encoding

XML encoding is defined in the XML file as the first line:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
We support all encoding formats. The most popular encoding is "UTF-8".

File Format Information

Read more about XML file format on the following resources:

JSON File Format

JSON Format

JSON means JavaScript Object Notation.

JSON file is a text file and it can be edited in any Text Editor.

File in JSON format has extension: .json.

JSON Format Data

The JSON file contains different types of data: objects, arrays, and attributes.

Where the object is a data structure with a set of key-value attributes on the same level.

For example:

  "type": "book",
  "name": "Book of success",
  "price": "24.99"

The Attribute is a key-value, where the key is the name of the attribute. Attributes can only be used inside objects.

For example:

  "type": "book"

And Array is the set of objects.

For example:

    "type": "book",
    "quantity": 5
    "type": "magazine",
    "quantity": 12

Where JSON format is used?

The JSON file format is used for storing data or configuration, and for data interchange between different applications.

JSON is one of the most popular formats used on the Internet - for data interchange between websites or internet services or APIs.

File Format Information

Read more about JSON file format on the following resources:

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions Related to XML to JSON Converter

How do I convert XML to JSON in Excel?

Use our XML to JSON Converter to convert any XML file to JSON format.
Steps to use XML to JSON Converter:
  • Upload XML file
  • Click 'Run Conversion' button
  • When the file is converted - download JSON file

Can you convert XML to JSON?

Yes, this is easy with our XML to JSON Converter. Visit XML to JSON Converter page and within a few clicks you will convert XML to JSON format.
Steps to use XML to JSON Converter:
  • Upload XML file
  • If necessary, choose JSON file space indentation format for your output file
  • Click 'Run Conversion' button
  • When the file is converted - download JSON file
  • Logging in to the user account is the most secure way to work with your files. Register your account now!
  • The time spent for the conversion depends on the file size. Please be patient while the conversion is being processed. We are working on performance improvement.
  • To provide the reliable operation of services, we defined limits for the number of conversions and uploading file size. Limits depend on the Conversion Plan that you will use. You can check available Conversion Plans on the Pricing page.
  • Unregistered users has the following limits: 10 conversions per day, 10 MB per uploaded file. Register your account now to extend limits for free.
  • If you would like to convert very large files or if you experience problems converting your file - feel free to contact us, our team is able to solve almost any conversion problem.
Conversion Plan: Non-registered user
10 MB file size limit

10 conversions per day

Conversions used

0 / 10

Convert XML to JSON Online

Online Converter: Convert XML file to JSON format

Set options and click 'Run Conversion' button
Drag and Drop the file on "Browse" button or click "Browse" to select the file
For batch conversion upload archive (zip, rar, 7z, xz).
White space for indentation
Attributes prefix
Text prefix
Always make an object for attributes
Always make an object for text node
Click button to run the conversion
5.0 - 5 votes
We offer Custom Converter development to provide you with a fully customized solution of files conversion and data processing based on your business or personal requirements. Learn more.

You may help others to find this website - Share your experience!

How XML to JSON Converter works?

Why to convert XML to JSON?

The XML format has a specific structure which allows to store a different type of data in XML files.

In the modern software development, files in JSON format became more popular because of the JSON format simplicity. JSON files can also store different type of data in a structured way. But the advantage of JSON format is that JSON files are easier to process by the machine, which saves the server resources.

Choosing JSON format for storing data can significantly save the computing power resources as well as the amount of required storage space. This makes JSON format a very optimal solution for a many software applications.

XML Validation

As a first step, we read an XML source file and validate it. During the validation process, we check the data structure of the XML for errors. If there are a lot of errors in the XML file structure - we couldn't process such a file.

XML Data Parsing

On the parsing step we import XML data file, read and understand the data structure and extract the data from the XML.

Data Transformation

When the data from the source XML file is extracted, the next step is to transform the data from XML-based representation into the objects-representation such as the JSON format.
XML to JSON converter uses the following rules to transform the data:
  • Every XML tag represents the separate JSON object
  • Every XML attribute represents the separate JSON object key-value
  • Repeatable XML tags are forming a JSON array of objects

Saving to JSON file

Once the data is transformed into JSON representation and combined based on the XML to JSON converter rules, it is saved into the JSON file.

Coming soon

Please note, this XML to JSON converter is still under development and we will be adding more options soon to define the different output format.

XML File Format

XML Format

XML is an abbreviation from "Extensible Markup Language".
XML is both machine-readable and human-readable format and can be edited in any text editor.

XML Tags

XML Tags should have correctly defined names, starting with a character, and not a number.
For example,
valid: <Products>
not valid: <1stWeekData>

Start and End Tags

There are defined start-tag (or opening tag): <Products>
and end-tag (or closing tag): </Products>.

XML Root Element

XML document can have only one root element. Root element is a start-tag and end-tag, and the rest of the XML content should be placed inside those tags.
For example,
..xml content here

Special Characters Escaping

Special characters inside XML like <, >, &, ' and " should be escaped as follows:
  • &lt; represents "<"
  • &gt; represents ">"
  • &amp; represents "&"
  • &apos; represents "'"
  • &quot; represents '"'

XML Encoding

XML encoding is defined in the XML file as the first line:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
We support all encoding formats. The most popular encoding is "UTF-8".

File Format Information

Read more about XML file format on the following resources:

JSON File Format

JSON Format

JSON means JavaScript Object Notation.

JSON file is a text file and it can be edited in any Text Editor.

File in JSON format has extension: .json.

JSON Format Data

The JSON file contains different types of data: objects, arrays, and attributes.

Where the object is a data structure with a set of key-value attributes on the same level.

For example:

  "type": "book",
  "name": "Book of success",
  "price": "24.99"

The Attribute is a key-value, where the key is the name of the attribute. Attributes can only be used inside objects.

For example:

  "type": "book"

And Array is the set of objects.

For example:

    "type": "book",
    "quantity": 5
    "type": "magazine",
    "quantity": 12

Where JSON format is used?

The JSON file format is used for storing data or configuration, and for data interchange between different applications.

JSON is one of the most popular formats used on the Internet - for data interchange between websites or internet services or APIs.

File Format Information

Read more about JSON file format on the following resources:

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions Related to XML to JSON Converter

How do I convert XML to JSON in Excel?

Use our XML to JSON Converter to convert any XML file to JSON format.
Steps to use XML to JSON Converter:
  • Upload XML file
  • Click 'Run Conversion' button
  • When the file is converted - download JSON file

Can you convert XML to JSON?

Yes, this is easy with our XML to JSON Converter. Visit XML to JSON Converter page and within a few clicks you will convert XML to JSON format.
Steps to use XML to JSON Converter:
  • Upload XML file
  • If necessary, choose JSON file space indentation format for your output file
  • Click 'Run Conversion' button
  • When the file is converted - download JSON file
  • Logging in to the user account is the most secure way to work with your files. Register your account now!
  • The time spent for the conversion depends on the file size. Please be patient while the conversion is being processed. We are working on performance improvement.
  • To provide the reliable operation of services, we defined limits for the number of conversions and uploading file size. Limits depend on the Conversion Plan that you will use. You can check available Conversion Plans on the Pricing page.
  • Unregistered users has the following limits: 10 conversions per day, 10 MB per uploaded file. Register your account now to extend limits for free.
  • If you would like to convert very large files or if you experience problems converting your file - feel free to contact us, our team is able to solve almost any conversion problem.