API Documentation

Getting Started

We provide access to the Conversion Tools services via the HTTP-based REST API using the token authentication. API request and response are formatted in JSON.


We maintain the following official REST API Client libraries:


When account is created we generate the API Token for accessing the Conversion Tools REST API.

API Token can be found at your Profile.

API Token should be passed to HTTP request in the Authorization HTTP header with the Bearer authentication scheme as follows:

Authorization: Bearer <API Token>

The following sample request checking the access to the Conversion Tools REST API:

curl -sSX GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>"


Conversion Tools REST API is available at:


API Requests

API Request should contain the following components:

  • The HTTP method, one of GET or POST
  • Authorization HTTP header with API Token
  • Content-Type HTTP header with type application/json
  • A JSON request body which depends on the API command, see list of API commands below

The following sample API request creates new conversion task:

curl -sSX POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>" \
  -d '{
  "type": "convert.website_to_jpg",
  "options": {
    "url": "http://google.com",
    "images": "yes"

API Response

General format of the API response has error field and some optional <data>:

  "error": "<error text>",

In case of success, <error text> will be empty (null), for example:

  "error": null,
  "task_id": "4147c475ffe94ec8a11aff9a6a8f437a"

In case of error, <error text> will contain the error description, for example:

  "error": "Bad request"

API Reference

File conversion process consists of the following 4 steps:

  1. Upload file to the server (optional step when URL is provided)
  2. Run conversion task
  3. Get conversion task status
  4. Download the result file

Step 1. Upload file to the Conversion Tools Server

In case when you providing the file by Internet URL - start with a Step 2.

For file upload use a HTTP POST file upload request with the Content-Type: multipart/form-data header.

See sample request below.


POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/files


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Input parameters:

file(required)A file reference


Success response will contain file_id field, which contains the identifier of the uploaded file:

  "error": null,
  "file_id": "be87de1a680c4451a49a72df3fecd3fd"

This file_id value should be used in the following step (Run conversion task).

Sample request using curl:

curl -sSX POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/files \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>" \
  -F "file=@/home/user/Desktop/test.xml"

Please note: -F parameter of curl automatically adding header Content-Type: multipart/form-data to the request.

Step 2. Run conversion task


POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: application/json

Input parameters:

type(required)Conversion type, for example convert.website_to_pdf. See list of available conversion types.
options(required)Set of options, different for every conversion task, see the tables below.

options parameters generic for every conversion task:

file_id(required, when converting the file uploaded to the server)For conversions which require a file to be uploaded, this is the file_id returned by POST /files request (from Step 1).
url(required, when converting the file from the Internet by link)For conversions which accepts file by URL, this is a place to put it.

options parameters specific per conversion task:

Please click on the conversion type to see the list of available options.

convert.ocr_png_to_text - PNG to Text Converter Online | OCR PNG Image to Text
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_jpg_to_text - OCR: Convert JPG to Text Online | JPG to Text Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_png_to_pdf - OCR: Convert PNG to PDF Online | PNG to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_jpg_to_pdf - OCR: Convert JPG to PDF Online | JPG to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_pdf_to_text - OCR: Convert PDF to Text Online | PDF to Text Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_pdf_to_pdf - OCR: Convert PDF Image to PDF Text Online | PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mov_to_mp4 - Convert MOV to MP4 Online | MOV to MP4 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mkv_to_mp4 - Convert MKV to MP4 Online | MKV to MP4 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avi_to_mp4 - Convert AVI to MP4 Online | AVI to MP4 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mp4_to_mp3 - Convert MP4 to MP3 Online | MP4 to MP3 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.wav_to_mp3 - Convert WAV to MP3 Online | WAV to MP3 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.flac_to_mp3 - Convert FLAC to MP3 Online | FLAC to MP3 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mp3_to_wav - Convert MP3 to WAV Online | MP3 to WAV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.flac_to_wav - Convert FLAC to WAV Online | FLAC to WAV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.wav_to_flac - Convert WAV to FLAC Online | WAV to FLAC Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.website_to_pdf - Convert HTML to PDF Online | HTML to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required, when converting the uploaded file)file_id of the file to convert
url(required, when converting the file from url)Internet URL of the file to convert
margin_top(optional)Top Margin, in px, for example: 30
margin_right(optional)Right Margin, in px, for example: 30
margin_bottom(optional)Bottom Margin, in px, for example: 30
margin_left(optional)Left Margin, in px, for example: 30

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.word_to_pdf - Convert Word to PDF Online | Word to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.powerpoint_to_pdf - Convert PowerPoint to PDF Online | PowerPoint to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.oxps_to_pdf - Convert OXPS to PDF Online | OXPS to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.word_to_text - Convert Word to Text Online | Word to TXT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.powerpoint_to_text - Convert PowerPoint to Text Online | PowerPoint to TXT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_pdf - Convert JPG to PDF Online | JPG to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_pdf - Convert from PNG to PDF Online | Change PNG to PDF in High Quality
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.markdown_to_pdf - Convert Markdown to PDF Online | Markdown to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.markdown_to_html - Convert Markdown to HTML Online | Markdown to HTML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.markdown_to_epub - Convert Markdown to ePUB Online | Markdown to ePUB Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.website_to_jpg - Convert Website to JPG. Create Website Thumbnail. Save Website as Image. HTML to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.html_to_jpg - Convert HTML to JPG. Save Website as JPG Image. HTML to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.website_to_png - Convert Website to PNG. Save Website as PNG Image. HTML to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.html_to_png - Convert HTML to PNG. Save Website as PNG Image. HTML to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.html_table_to_csv - Converting HTML Table to CSV | HTML to CSV Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required, when converting the uploaded file)file_id of the file to convert
url(required, when converting the file from url)Internet URL of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_pdf - Convert Excel to PDF | XLS File to PDF Converter Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_xps - Convert Excel to XPS Online | Excel to XPS Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_html - Convert Excel to HTML Table Online | Export XLS to HTML
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
make_sortable(optional)Make columns sortable:
title_overview(optional)Title for 'Overview' label
title_sheet(optional)Title for 'Sheet X' label

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_csv - Convert Excel to CSV Online | XLS to CSV File Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:
utf8_bom(optional)Save file with UTF-8 BOM:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_ods - Convert Excel to ODS Online | Excel to OpenOffice Calc ODS Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ods_to_csv - Convert OpenOffice Calc ODS to CSV Online | ODS to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ods_to_pdf - Convert OpenOffice Calc ODS to PDF Online | ODS to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ods_to_excel - Convert OpenOffice Calc ODS to Excel Online | ODS to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_excel - Convert CSV File to Excel Online | CSV to XLS Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_xml - Convert CSV to XML Online | CSV to XML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
show_columns(optional)Add <columns /> section:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:
add_empty_nodes(optional)Add empty nodes (when no value present):
short_tag_empty_node(optional)Use short tag <node/> for empty nodes:
xml_encoding(optional)XML Encoding (output file):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_xml - Excel to XML | Convert XLS to XML Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
show_columns(optional)Add <columns /> section:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:
add_empty_nodes(optional)Add empty nodes (when no value present):
short_tag_empty_node(optional)Use short tag <node/> for empty nodes:
xml_encoding(optional)XML Encoding (output file):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xml_to_json - Convert XML to JSON Online | XML to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xml_to_csv - Convert XML file to CSV Online | Parse from XML to CSV
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xml_to_excel - XML file to Excel Converter Online | Convert XML to spreadsheet
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.fix_xml_escaping - Fix XML Escaping Problem | Fix XML Special Characters Escaping
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_xml_to_excel_xlsx - Convert Excel XML to Excel XLSX Online | Excel XML to XLSX Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_csv - Convert PDF to CSV Online | PDF to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_excel - Convert PDF to Excel Spreadsheet | Export PDF to Excel Table
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_word - Convert PDF to Word Online | Change PDF to Word
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_jpg - Convert PDF to JPG Online | PDF to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):
jpeg_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 80)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_png - Convert PDF to PNG Format | Turn from PDF into PNG
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_tiff - Convert PDF to TIFF Online | PDF to TIFF High Resolution
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_svg - Convert PDF to SVG Online | PDF to SVG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_html - Convert PDF to HTML Online | PDF to HTML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_text - PDF to Text Converter Online | Convert PDF to Plain Text File
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ai_to_svg - Convert AI to SVG Online | AI to SVG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_avif - Convert PNG to AVIF Online | PNG to AVIF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_avif - Convert JPG to AVIF Online | JPG to AVIF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_avif - Convert WebP to AVIF Online | WebP to AVIF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avif_to_png - Convert AVIF to PNG Online | AVIF to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avif_to_jpg - Convert AVIF to JPEG Online | AVIF to JPEG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avif_to_webp - Convert AVIF to WebP Online | AVIF to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_webp - Convert PNG to WebP Online | PNG to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_webp - Convert JPG to WebP Online | JPG to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.tiff_to_webp - Convert TIFF to WebP Online | TIFF to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.gif_to_webp - Convert GIF to WebP Online | GIF to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_png - Convert WebP to PNG Online | WebP to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_jpg - Convert WebP to JPEG Online | WebP to JPEG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_tiff - Convert WebP to TIFF Online | WebP to TIFF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_bmp - Convert WebP to BMP Online | WebP to BMP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_yuv - Convert WebP to YUV Online | WebP to YUV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_pam - Convert WebP to PAM Online | WebP to PAM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_pgm - Convert WebP to PGM Online | WebP to PGM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_ppm - Convert WebP to PPM Online | WebP to PPM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_jpg - Convert PNG to JPG Online | PNG to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_pgm - Convert PNG to PGM Online | PNG to PGM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_ppm - Convert PNG to PPM Online | PNG to PPM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_png - Convert JPG to PNG Online | JPG to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_pgm - Convert JPEG to PGM Online | JPEG to PGM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_ppm - Convert JPEG to PPM Online | JPEG to PPM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.heic_to_png - Convert HEIC to PNG Online | HEIC to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.heic_to_jpg - Convert HEIC to JPG Online | HEIC to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
jpeg_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 80)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.epub_to_mobi - Convert ePUB to MOBI Online | ePUB to MOBI Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.epub_to_azw - Convert ePUB to AZW Online | ePUB to AZW Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mobi_to_epub - Convert MOBI to ePUB Online | MOBI to ePUB Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mobi_to_azw - Convert MOBI to AZW Online | MOBI to AZW Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw_to_epub - Convert AZW to ePUB Online | AZW to ePUB Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw_to_mobi - Convert AZW to MOBI Online | AZW to MOBI Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.epub_to_pdf - Convert ePUB to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mobi_to_pdf - Convert MOBI to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw_to_pdf - Convert AZW to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw3_to_pdf - Convert AZW3 to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.fb2_to_pdf - Convert FB2 to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.fbz_to_pdf - Convert FBZ to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_epub - Convert PDF to ePUB Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_mobi - Convert PDF to MOBI Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_azw - Convert PDF to AZW Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_azw3 - Convert PDF to AZW3 Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_fb2 - Convert PDF to FB2 Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_fbz - Convert PDF to FBZ Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.remove_exif - Remove EXIF Data from Photos Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.format_json - JSON Formatter Online | Format JSON file
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.validate_json - JSON Validator Online | Validate JSON file
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.validate_xml_xsd - XML/XSD Validator Online | Validate XML file against XSD schema
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
file1_id(required)file1_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_xml - Convert JSON File to XML Online | Change JSON to XML
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_csv - Convert JSON to CSV Online | JSON to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_excel - Convert JSON to Excel Online | JSON to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_json - Convert Excel to JSON Online | Excel to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_json - Convert CSV to JSON Online | CSV to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_yaml - Convert JSON to YAML Online | JSON to YAML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_objects_to_csv - Convert JSON objects (one per line) to CSV Online | JSON to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_objects_to_excel - Convert JSON objects (one per line) to Excel Online | JSON to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.bson_to_csv - Convert BSON (MongoDB Dump) to CSV Online | BSON to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
bson_raw(optional)Export raw BSON data:
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.bson_to_excel - Convert BSON (MongoDB Dump) to Excel Online | BSON to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
bson_raw(optional)Export raw BSON data:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.yaml_to_json - Convert YAML to JSON Online | YAML to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_csv - Convert SRT to CSV Online | SRT to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_excel - SRT to Excel Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLSX
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_xlsx - SRT to XLSX Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLSX
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_xls - SRT to XLS Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLS
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_srt - Convert CSV to SRT Online | CSV to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_srt - Convert Excel to SRT | Excel to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xlsx_to_srt - Convert XLSX to SRT | XLSX to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xls_to_srt - Convert XLS to SRT | XLS to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

The following sample API request creates new conversion task:

curl -sSX POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>" \
  -d '{
  "type": "convert.website_to_jpg",
  "options": {
    "url": "http://google.com",
    "images": "yes"


  "error": "<error text>",
  "task_id": "<task_id>"

In case of error, <error text> will be any not null text value, it will contain the description of error.

  "error": "Bad type",

In case of success, it will return <task_id>. You should use Get conversion task status request to find out when conversion task will be finished.

  "error": null,
  "task_id": "4147c475ffe94ec8a11aff9a6a8f437a"

Step 3. Get conversion task status

You should perform this check in a loop, until task will be finished (see status field).

Important! Please send this request not more often than every 5-10 seconds.


GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks/<task_id>


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: application/json

URL parameters:

task_id(required)This is the task_id returned in the previous step.

The following sample API request checks the conversion task status:

curl -sSX GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks/d9b5369bfc6541d88581d4ff80954917 \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>"


  "error": "<error text>",
  "status": "<status>",
  "file_id": "<file_id>"

In case of error, <error text> will be any not null text value, it will contain the description of error.

status is one of the following:

  • PENDING - task is queued and waiting to be processed
  • RUNNING - task is running
  • SUCCESS - task is finished successfully
  • ERROR - task is finished with an error

When status is PENDING or RUNNING, response will have an empty file_id field, for example:

  "error": null,
  "status": "RUNNING",
  "file_id": null

When status is SUCCESS, response will have file_id of the result file, for example:

  "error": null,
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "file_id": "ce87de1a680c4451a49a72df3fecd3fe"

When status is ERROR, response will have error field with description of the error:

  "error": "Wrong file format",
  "status": "ERROR",
  "file_id": null

When status returned as SUCCESS or ERROR - this means that the conversion process is finished and you can download the result file using file_id (request is described in the next step) or analyse the error.

Step 4. Download result file


GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/files/<file_id>


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: application/json

URL parameters:

<file_id>(required)This is the file_id of the file you need to download, for example, file_id returned in the previous step get task status.


The response will contain a Content-Disposition: attachment; HTTP header, which should trigger the file download process (if you're using a browser).

Available Conversion Types
Conversion TypeDescription
convert.ocr_png_to_textPNG to Text Converter Online | OCR PNG Image to Text
convert.ocr_jpg_to_textOCR: Convert JPG to Text Online | JPG to Text Converter
convert.ocr_png_to_pdfOCR: Convert PNG to PDF Online | PNG to PDF Converter
convert.ocr_jpg_to_pdfOCR: Convert JPG to PDF Online | JPG to PDF Converter
convert.ocr_pdf_to_textOCR: Convert PDF to Text Online | PDF to Text Converter
convert.ocr_pdf_to_pdfOCR: Convert PDF Image to PDF Text Online | PDF Converter
convert.mov_to_mp4Convert MOV to MP4 Online | MOV to MP4 Converter
convert.mkv_to_mp4Convert MKV to MP4 Online | MKV to MP4 Converter
convert.avi_to_mp4Convert AVI to MP4 Online | AVI to MP4 Converter
convert.mp4_to_mp3Convert MP4 to MP3 Online | MP4 to MP3 Converter
convert.wav_to_mp3Convert WAV to MP3 Online | WAV to MP3 Converter
convert.flac_to_mp3Convert FLAC to MP3 Online | FLAC to MP3 Converter
convert.mp3_to_wavConvert MP3 to WAV Online | MP3 to WAV Converter
convert.flac_to_wavConvert FLAC to WAV Online | FLAC to WAV Converter
convert.wav_to_flacConvert WAV to FLAC Online | WAV to FLAC Converter
convert.website_to_pdfConvert HTML to PDF Online | HTML to PDF Converter
convert.word_to_pdfConvert Word to PDF Online | Word to PDF Converter
convert.powerpoint_to_pdfConvert PowerPoint to PDF Online | PowerPoint to PDF Converter
convert.oxps_to_pdfConvert OXPS to PDF Online | OXPS to PDF Converter
convert.word_to_textConvert Word to Text Online | Word to TXT Converter
convert.powerpoint_to_textConvert PowerPoint to Text Online | PowerPoint to TXT Converter
convert.jpg_to_pdfConvert JPG to PDF Online | JPG to PDF Converter
convert.png_to_pdfConvert from PNG to PDF Online | Change PNG to PDF in High Quality
convert.markdown_to_pdfConvert Markdown to PDF Online | Markdown to PDF Converter
convert.markdown_to_htmlConvert Markdown to HTML Online | Markdown to HTML Converter
convert.markdown_to_epubConvert Markdown to ePUB Online | Markdown to ePUB Converter
convert.website_to_jpgConvert Website to JPG. Create Website Thumbnail. Save Website as Image. HTML to JPG Converter
convert.html_to_jpgConvert HTML to JPG. Save Website as JPG Image. HTML to JPG Converter
convert.website_to_pngConvert Website to PNG. Save Website as PNG Image. HTML to PNG Converter
convert.html_to_pngConvert HTML to PNG. Save Website as PNG Image. HTML to PNG Converter
convert.html_table_to_csvConverting HTML Table to CSV | HTML to CSV Online
convert.excel_to_pdfConvert Excel to PDF | XLS File to PDF Converter Online
convert.excel_to_xpsConvert Excel to XPS Online | Excel to XPS Converter
convert.excel_to_htmlConvert Excel to HTML Table Online | Export XLS to HTML
convert.excel_to_csvConvert Excel to CSV Online | XLS to CSV File Converter
convert.excel_to_odsConvert Excel to ODS Online | Excel to OpenOffice Calc ODS Converter
convert.ods_to_csvConvert OpenOffice Calc ODS to CSV Online | ODS to CSV Converter
convert.ods_to_pdfConvert OpenOffice Calc ODS to PDF Online | ODS to PDF Converter
convert.ods_to_excelConvert OpenOffice Calc ODS to Excel Online | ODS to Excel Converter
convert.csv_to_excelConvert CSV File to Excel Online | CSV to XLS Converter
convert.csv_to_xmlConvert CSV to XML Online | CSV to XML Converter
convert.excel_to_xmlExcel to XML | Convert XLS to XML Online
convert.xml_to_jsonConvert XML to JSON Online | XML to JSON Converter
convert.xml_to_csvConvert XML file to CSV Online | Parse from XML to CSV
convert.xml_to_excelXML file to Excel Converter Online | Convert XML to spreadsheet
convert.fix_xml_escapingFix XML Escaping Problem | Fix XML Special Characters Escaping
convert.excel_xml_to_excel_xlsxConvert Excel XML to Excel XLSX Online | Excel XML to XLSX Converter
convert.pdf_to_csvConvert PDF to CSV Online | PDF to CSV Converter
convert.pdf_to_excelConvert PDF to Excel Spreadsheet | Export PDF to Excel Table
convert.pdf_to_wordConvert PDF to Word Online | Change PDF to Word
convert.pdf_to_jpgConvert PDF to JPG Online | PDF to JPG Converter
convert.pdf_to_pngConvert PDF to PNG Format | Turn from PDF into PNG
convert.pdf_to_tiffConvert PDF to TIFF Online | PDF to TIFF High Resolution
convert.pdf_to_svgConvert PDF to SVG Online | PDF to SVG Converter
convert.pdf_to_htmlConvert PDF to HTML Online | PDF to HTML Converter
convert.pdf_to_textPDF to Text Converter Online | Convert PDF to Plain Text File
convert.ai_to_svgConvert AI to SVG Online | AI to SVG Converter
convert.png_to_avifConvert PNG to AVIF Online | PNG to AVIF Converter
convert.jpg_to_avifConvert JPG to AVIF Online | JPG to AVIF Converter
convert.webp_to_avifConvert WebP to AVIF Online | WebP to AVIF Converter
convert.avif_to_pngConvert AVIF to PNG Online | AVIF to PNG Converter
convert.avif_to_jpgConvert AVIF to JPEG Online | AVIF to JPEG Converter
convert.avif_to_webpConvert AVIF to WebP Online | AVIF to WebP Converter
convert.png_to_webpConvert PNG to WebP Online | PNG to WebP Converter
convert.jpg_to_webpConvert JPG to WebP Online | JPG to WebP Converter
convert.tiff_to_webpConvert TIFF to WebP Online | TIFF to WebP Converter
convert.gif_to_webpConvert GIF to WebP Online | GIF to WebP Converter
convert.webp_to_pngConvert WebP to PNG Online | WebP to PNG Converter
convert.webp_to_jpgConvert WebP to JPEG Online | WebP to JPEG Converter
convert.webp_to_tiffConvert WebP to TIFF Online | WebP to TIFF Converter
convert.webp_to_bmpConvert WebP to BMP Online | WebP to BMP Converter
convert.webp_to_yuvConvert WebP to YUV Online | WebP to YUV Converter
convert.webp_to_pamConvert WebP to PAM Online | WebP to PAM Converter
convert.webp_to_pgmConvert WebP to PGM Online | WebP to PGM Converter
convert.webp_to_ppmConvert WebP to PPM Online | WebP to PPM Converter
convert.png_to_jpgConvert PNG to JPG Online | PNG to JPG Converter
convert.png_to_pgmConvert PNG to PGM Online | PNG to PGM Converter
convert.png_to_ppmConvert PNG to PPM Online | PNG to PPM Converter
convert.jpg_to_pngConvert JPG to PNG Online | JPG to PNG Converter
convert.jpg_to_pgmConvert JPEG to PGM Online | JPEG to PGM Converter
convert.jpg_to_ppmConvert JPEG to PPM Online | JPEG to PPM Converter
convert.heic_to_pngConvert HEIC to PNG Online | HEIC to PNG Converter
convert.heic_to_jpgConvert HEIC to JPG Online | HEIC to JPG Converter
convert.epub_to_mobiConvert ePUB to MOBI Online | ePUB to MOBI Converter
convert.epub_to_azwConvert ePUB to AZW Online | ePUB to AZW Converter
convert.mobi_to_epubConvert MOBI to ePUB Online | MOBI to ePUB Converter
convert.mobi_to_azwConvert MOBI to AZW Online | MOBI to AZW Converter
convert.azw_to_epubConvert AZW to ePUB Online | AZW to ePUB Converter
convert.azw_to_mobiConvert AZW to MOBI Online | AZW to MOBI Converter
convert.epub_to_pdfConvert ePUB to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
convert.mobi_to_pdfConvert MOBI to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
convert.azw_to_pdfConvert AZW to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
convert.azw3_to_pdfConvert AZW3 to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
convert.fb2_to_pdfConvert FB2 to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
convert.fbz_to_pdfConvert FBZ to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
convert.pdf_to_epubConvert PDF to ePUB Online | PDF to eBook Converter
convert.pdf_to_mobiConvert PDF to MOBI Online | PDF to eBook Converter
convert.pdf_to_azwConvert PDF to AZW Online | PDF to eBook Converter
convert.pdf_to_azw3Convert PDF to AZW3 Online | PDF to eBook Converter
convert.pdf_to_fb2Convert PDF to FB2 Online | PDF to eBook Converter
convert.pdf_to_fbzConvert PDF to FBZ Online | PDF to eBook Converter
convert.remove_exifRemove EXIF Data from Photos Online
convert.format_jsonJSON Formatter Online | Format JSON file
convert.validate_jsonJSON Validator Online | Validate JSON file
convert.validate_xml_xsdXML/XSD Validator Online | Validate XML file against XSD schema
convert.json_to_xmlConvert JSON File to XML Online | Change JSON to XML
convert.json_to_csvConvert JSON to CSV Online | JSON to CSV Converter
convert.json_to_excelConvert JSON to Excel Online | JSON to Excel Converter
convert.excel_to_jsonConvert Excel to JSON Online | Excel to JSON Converter
convert.csv_to_jsonConvert CSV to JSON Online | CSV to JSON Converter
convert.json_to_yamlConvert JSON to YAML Online | JSON to YAML Converter
convert.json_objects_to_csvConvert JSON objects (one per line) to CSV Online | JSON to CSV Converter
convert.json_objects_to_excelConvert JSON objects (one per line) to Excel Online | JSON to Excel Converter
convert.bson_to_csvConvert BSON (MongoDB Dump) to CSV Online | BSON to CSV Converter
convert.bson_to_excelConvert BSON (MongoDB Dump) to Excel Online | BSON to Excel Converter
convert.yaml_to_jsonConvert YAML to JSON Online | YAML to JSON Converter
convert.srt_to_csvConvert SRT to CSV Online | SRT to CSV Converter
convert.srt_to_excelSRT to Excel Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLSX
convert.srt_to_xlsxSRT to XLSX Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLSX
convert.srt_to_xlsSRT to XLS Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLS
convert.csv_to_srtConvert CSV to SRT Online | CSV to SRT Converter
convert.excel_to_srtConvert Excel to SRT | Excel to SRT Converter
convert.xlsx_to_srtConvert XLSX to SRT | XLSX to SRT Converter
convert.xls_to_srtConvert XLS to SRT | XLS to SRT Converter

Need help?

If you have any questions regarding the use of the Conversion Tools REST API - feel free to contact us.

API Documentation

Getting Started

We provide access to the Conversion Tools services via the HTTP-based REST API using the token authentication. API request and response are formatted in JSON.


We maintain the following official REST API Client libraries:


When account is created we generate the API Token for accessing the Conversion Tools REST API.

API Token can be found at your Profile.

API Token should be passed to HTTP request in the Authorization HTTP header with the Bearer authentication scheme as follows:

Authorization: Bearer <API Token>

The following sample request checking the access to the Conversion Tools REST API:

curl -sSX GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>"


Conversion Tools REST API is available at:


API Requests

API Request should contain the following components:

  • The HTTP method, one of GET or POST
  • Authorization HTTP header with API Token
  • Content-Type HTTP header with type application/json
  • A JSON request body which depends on the API command, see list of API commands below

The following sample API request creates new conversion task:

curl -sSX POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>" \
  -d '{
  "type": "convert.website_to_jpg",
  "options": {
    "url": "http://google.com",
    "images": "yes"

API Response

General format of the API response has error field and some optional <data>:

  "error": "<error text>",

In case of success, <error text> will be empty (null), for example:

  "error": null,
  "task_id": "4147c475ffe94ec8a11aff9a6a8f437a"

In case of error, <error text> will contain the error description, for example:

  "error": "Bad request"

API Reference

File conversion process consists of the following 4 steps:

  1. Upload file to the server (optional step when URL is provided)
  2. Run conversion task
  3. Get conversion task status
  4. Download the result file

Step 1. Upload file to the Conversion Tools Server

In case when you providing the file by Internet URL - start with a Step 2.

For file upload use a HTTP POST file upload request with the Content-Type: multipart/form-data header.

See sample request below.


POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/files


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Input parameters:

file(required)A file reference


Success response will contain file_id field, which contains the identifier of the uploaded file:

  "error": null,
  "file_id": "be87de1a680c4451a49a72df3fecd3fd"

This file_id value should be used in the following step (Run conversion task).

Sample request using curl:

curl -sSX POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/files \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>" \
  -F "file=@/home/user/Desktop/test.xml"

Please note: -F parameter of curl automatically adding header Content-Type: multipart/form-data to the request.

Step 2. Run conversion task


POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: application/json

Input parameters:

type(required)Conversion type, for example convert.website_to_pdf. See list of available conversion types.
options(required)Set of options, different for every conversion task, see the tables below.

options parameters generic for every conversion task:

file_id(required, when converting the file uploaded to the server)For conversions which require a file to be uploaded, this is the file_id returned by POST /files request (from Step 1).
url(required, when converting the file from the Internet by link)For conversions which accepts file by URL, this is a place to put it.

options parameters specific per conversion task:

Please click on the conversion type to see the list of available options.

convert.ocr_png_to_text - PNG to Text Converter Online | OCR PNG Image to Text
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_jpg_to_text - OCR: Convert JPG to Text Online | JPG to Text Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_png_to_pdf - OCR: Convert PNG to PDF Online | PNG to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_jpg_to_pdf - OCR: Convert JPG to PDF Online | JPG to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_pdf_to_text - OCR: Convert PDF to Text Online | PDF to Text Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ocr_pdf_to_pdf - OCR: Convert PDF Image to PDF Text Online | PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
language_ocr(optional)Languages used on the image for OCR
For multiple values - separate values with comma: eng,fra
afr - Afrikaans
amh - Amharic
ara - Arabic
asm - Assamese
aze - Azerbaijani
aze_cyrl - Azerbaijani - Cyrilic
bel - Belarusian
ben - Bengali
bod - Tibetan
bos - Bosnian
bre - Breton
bul - Bulgarian
cat - Catalan; Valencian
ceb - Cebuano
ces - Czech
chi_sim - Chinese - Simplified
chi_tra - Chinese - Traditional
chr - Cherokee
cos - Corsican
cym - Welsh
dan - Danish
dan_frak - Danish - Fraktur
deu - German
deu_frak - German - Fraktur
dzo - Dzongkha
ell - Greek, Modern (1453-)
eng - English
enm - English, Middle (1100-1500)
epo - Esperanto
est - Estonian
eus - Basque
fao - Faroese
fas - Persian
fil - Filipino (old - Tagalog)
fin - Finnish
fra - French
frk - German - Fraktur
frm - French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fry - Western Frisian
gla - Scottish Gaelic
gle - Irish
glg - Galician
grc - Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
guj - Gujarati
hat - Haitian; Haitian Creole
heb - Hebrew
hin - Hindi
hrv - Croatian
hun - Hungarian
hye - Armenian
iku - Inuktitut
ind - Indonesian
isl - Icelandic
ita - Italian
ita_old - Italian - Old
jav - Javanese
jpn - Japanese
kan - Kannada
kat - Georgian
kat_old - Georgian - Old
kaz - Kazakh
khm - Central Khmer
kir - Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
kmr - Kurmanji (Kurdish - Latin Script)
kor - Korean
kor_vert - Korean (vertical)
kur - Kurdish (Arabic Script)
lao - Lao
lat - Latin
lav - Latvian
lit - Lithuanian
ltz - Luxembourgish
mal - Malayalam
mar - Marathi
mkd - Macedonian
mlt - Maltese
mon - Mongolian
mri - Maori
msa - Malay
mya - Burmese
nep - Nepali
nld - Dutch; Flemish
nor - Norwegian
oci - Occitan (post 1500)
ori - Oriya
osd - Orientation and script detection module
pan - Panjabi; Punjabi
pol - Polish
por - Portuguese
pus - Pushto; Pashto
que - Quechua
ron - Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
rus - Russian
san - Sanskrit
sin - Sinhala; Sinhalese
slk - Slovak
slk_frak - Slovak - Fraktur
slv - Slovenian
snd - Sindhi
spa - Spanish; Castilian
spa_old - Spanish; Castilian - Old
sqi - Albanian
srp - Serbian
srp_latn - Serbian - Latin
sun - Sundanese
swa - Swahili
swe - Swedish
syr - Syriac
tam - Tamil
tat - Tatar
tel - Telugu
tgk - Tajik
tgl - Tagalog (new - Filipino)
tha - Thai
tir - Tigrinya
ton - Tonga
tur - Turkish
uig - Uighur; Uyghur
ukr - Ukrainian
urd - Urdu
uzb - Uzbek
uzb_cyrl - Uzbek - Cyrilic
vie - Vietnamese
yid - Yiddish
yor - Yoruba

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mov_to_mp4 - Convert MOV to MP4 Online | MOV to MP4 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mkv_to_mp4 - Convert MKV to MP4 Online | MKV to MP4 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avi_to_mp4 - Convert AVI to MP4 Online | AVI to MP4 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mp4_to_mp3 - Convert MP4 to MP3 Online | MP4 to MP3 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.wav_to_mp3 - Convert WAV to MP3 Online | WAV to MP3 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.flac_to_mp3 - Convert FLAC to MP3 Online | FLAC to MP3 Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mp3_to_wav - Convert MP3 to WAV Online | MP3 to WAV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.flac_to_wav - Convert FLAC to WAV Online | FLAC to WAV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.wav_to_flac - Convert WAV to FLAC Online | WAV to FLAC Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.website_to_pdf - Convert HTML to PDF Online | HTML to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required, when converting the uploaded file)file_id of the file to convert
url(required, when converting the file from url)Internet URL of the file to convert
margin_top(optional)Top Margin, in px, for example: 30
margin_right(optional)Right Margin, in px, for example: 30
margin_bottom(optional)Bottom Margin, in px, for example: 30
margin_left(optional)Left Margin, in px, for example: 30

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.word_to_pdf - Convert Word to PDF Online | Word to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.powerpoint_to_pdf - Convert PowerPoint to PDF Online | PowerPoint to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.oxps_to_pdf - Convert OXPS to PDF Online | OXPS to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.word_to_text - Convert Word to Text Online | Word to TXT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.powerpoint_to_text - Convert PowerPoint to Text Online | PowerPoint to TXT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_pdf - Convert JPG to PDF Online | JPG to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_pdf - Convert from PNG to PDF Online | Change PNG to PDF in High Quality
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.markdown_to_pdf - Convert Markdown to PDF Online | Markdown to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.markdown_to_html - Convert Markdown to HTML Online | Markdown to HTML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.markdown_to_epub - Convert Markdown to ePUB Online | Markdown to ePUB Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.website_to_jpg - Convert Website to JPG. Create Website Thumbnail. Save Website as Image. HTML to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.html_to_jpg - Convert HTML to JPG. Save Website as JPG Image. HTML to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.website_to_png - Convert Website to PNG. Save Website as PNG Image. HTML to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.html_to_png - Convert HTML to PNG. Save Website as PNG Image. HTML to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
url(required)Internet URL of the file to convert
viewport_width(optional)Viewport Width, in px, for example: 1080
viewport_height(optional)Viewport Height, in px, for example: 1920
emulate_device(optional)Blackberry PlayBook, Blackberry PlayBook landscape, BlackBerry Z30, BlackBerry Z30 landscape, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Note 3 landscape, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Note II landscape, Galaxy S III, Galaxy S III landscape, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S5 landscape, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 landscape, Galaxy S9+, Galaxy S9+ landscape, Galaxy Tab S4, Galaxy Tab S4 landscape, iPad, iPad landscape, iPad (gen 6), iPad (gen 6) landscape, iPad (gen 7), iPad (gen 7) landscape, iPad Mini, iPad Mini landscape, iPad Pro, iPad Pro landscape, iPad Pro 11, iPad Pro 11 landscape, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 landscape, iPhone 5, iPhone 5 landscape, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 landscape, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus landscape, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 landscape, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus landscape, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 landscape, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus landscape, iPhone SE, iPhone SE landscape, iPhone X, iPhone X landscape, iPhone XR, iPhone XR landscape, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 landscape, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro landscape, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 landscape, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro landscape, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Mini landscape, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 landscape, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro landscape, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini landscape, JioPhone 2, JioPhone 2 landscape, Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HDX landscape, LG Optimus L70, LG Optimus L70 landscape, Microsoft Lumia 550, Microsoft Lumia 950, Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape, Nexus 10, Nexus 10 landscape, Nexus 4, Nexus 4 landscape, Nexus 5, Nexus 5 landscape, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5X landscape, Nexus 6, Nexus 6 landscape, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6P landscape, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 landscape, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 520 landscape, Nokia N9, Nokia N9 landscape, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 landscape, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 XL landscape, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 landscape, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 landscape, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a (5G) landscape, Pixel 5, Pixel 5 landscape, Moto G4, Moto G4 landscape

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.html_table_to_csv - Converting HTML Table to CSV | HTML to CSV Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required, when converting the uploaded file)file_id of the file to convert
url(required, when converting the file from url)Internet URL of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_pdf - Convert Excel to PDF | XLS File to PDF Converter Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_xps - Convert Excel to XPS Online | Excel to XPS Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_html - Convert Excel to HTML Table Online | Export XLS to HTML
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
make_sortable(optional)Make columns sortable:
title_overview(optional)Title for 'Overview' label
title_sheet(optional)Title for 'Sheet X' label

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_csv - Convert Excel to CSV Online | XLS to CSV File Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:
utf8_bom(optional)Save file with UTF-8 BOM:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_ods - Convert Excel to ODS Online | Excel to OpenOffice Calc ODS Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ods_to_csv - Convert OpenOffice Calc ODS to CSV Online | ODS to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ods_to_pdf - Convert OpenOffice Calc ODS to PDF Online | ODS to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ods_to_excel - Convert OpenOffice Calc ODS to Excel Online | ODS to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_excel - Convert CSV File to Excel Online | CSV to XLS Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_xml - Convert CSV to XML Online | CSV to XML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
show_columns(optional)Add <columns /> section:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:
add_empty_nodes(optional)Add empty nodes (when no value present):
short_tag_empty_node(optional)Use short tag <node/> for empty nodes:
xml_encoding(optional)XML Encoding (output file):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_xml - Excel to XML | Convert XLS to XML Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
show_columns(optional)Add <columns /> section:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:
add_empty_nodes(optional)Add empty nodes (when no value present):
short_tag_empty_node(optional)Use short tag <node/> for empty nodes:
xml_encoding(optional)XML Encoding (output file):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xml_to_json - Convert XML to JSON Online | XML to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xml_to_csv - Convert XML file to CSV Online | Parse from XML to CSV
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xml_to_excel - XML file to Excel Converter Online | Convert XML to spreadsheet
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.fix_xml_escaping - Fix XML Escaping Problem | Fix XML Special Characters Escaping
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_xml_to_excel_xlsx - Convert Excel XML to Excel XLSX Online | Excel XML to XLSX Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_csv - Convert PDF to CSV Online | PDF to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_excel - Convert PDF to Excel Spreadsheet | Export PDF to Excel Table
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_word - Convert PDF to Word Online | Change PDF to Word
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_jpg - Convert PDF to JPG Online | PDF to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):
jpeg_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 80)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_png - Convert PDF to PNG Format | Turn from PDF into PNG
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_tiff - Convert PDF to TIFF Online | PDF to TIFF High Resolution
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_svg - Convert PDF to SVG Online | PDF to SVG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
image_resolution(optional)values in PPI (pixel per inch):

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_html - Convert PDF to HTML Online | PDF to HTML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_text - PDF to Text Converter Online | Convert PDF to Plain Text File
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.ai_to_svg - Convert AI to SVG Online | AI to SVG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_avif - Convert PNG to AVIF Online | PNG to AVIF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_avif - Convert JPG to AVIF Online | JPG to AVIF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_avif - Convert WebP to AVIF Online | WebP to AVIF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avif_to_png - Convert AVIF to PNG Online | AVIF to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avif_to_jpg - Convert AVIF to JPEG Online | AVIF to JPEG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.avif_to_webp - Convert AVIF to WebP Online | AVIF to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_webp - Convert PNG to WebP Online | PNG to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_webp - Convert JPG to WebP Online | JPG to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.tiff_to_webp - Convert TIFF to WebP Online | TIFF to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.gif_to_webp - Convert GIF to WebP Online | GIF to WebP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
webp_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 75)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_png - Convert WebP to PNG Online | WebP to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_jpg - Convert WebP to JPEG Online | WebP to JPEG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_tiff - Convert WebP to TIFF Online | WebP to TIFF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_bmp - Convert WebP to BMP Online | WebP to BMP Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_yuv - Convert WebP to YUV Online | WebP to YUV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_pam - Convert WebP to PAM Online | WebP to PAM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_pgm - Convert WebP to PGM Online | WebP to PGM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.webp_to_ppm - Convert WebP to PPM Online | WebP to PPM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_jpg - Convert PNG to JPG Online | PNG to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_pgm - Convert PNG to PGM Online | PNG to PGM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.png_to_ppm - Convert PNG to PPM Online | PNG to PPM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_png - Convert JPG to PNG Online | JPG to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_pgm - Convert JPEG to PGM Online | JPEG to PGM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.jpg_to_ppm - Convert JPEG to PPM Online | JPEG to PPM Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.heic_to_png - Convert HEIC to PNG Online | HEIC to PNG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.heic_to_jpg - Convert HEIC to JPG Online | HEIC to JPG Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
jpeg_quality(optional)0 - 100 (default: 80)

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.epub_to_mobi - Convert ePUB to MOBI Online | ePUB to MOBI Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.epub_to_azw - Convert ePUB to AZW Online | ePUB to AZW Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mobi_to_epub - Convert MOBI to ePUB Online | MOBI to ePUB Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mobi_to_azw - Convert MOBI to AZW Online | MOBI to AZW Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw_to_epub - Convert AZW to ePUB Online | AZW to ePUB Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw_to_mobi - Convert AZW to MOBI Online | AZW to MOBI Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.epub_to_pdf - Convert ePUB to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.mobi_to_pdf - Convert MOBI to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw_to_pdf - Convert AZW to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.azw3_to_pdf - Convert AZW3 to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.fb2_to_pdf - Convert FB2 to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.fbz_to_pdf - Convert FBZ to PDF Online | eBook to PDF Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_epub - Convert PDF to ePUB Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_mobi - Convert PDF to MOBI Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_azw - Convert PDF to AZW Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_azw3 - Convert PDF to AZW3 Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_fb2 - Convert PDF to FB2 Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.pdf_to_fbz - Convert PDF to FBZ Online | PDF to eBook Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.remove_exif - Remove EXIF Data from Photos Online
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.format_json - JSON Formatter Online | Format JSON file
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.validate_json - JSON Validator Online | Validate JSON file
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.validate_xml_xsd - XML/XSD Validator Online | Validate XML file against XSD schema
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
file1_id(required)file1_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_xml - Convert JSON File to XML Online | Change JSON to XML
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_csv - Convert JSON to CSV Online | JSON to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_excel - Convert JSON to Excel Online | JSON to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_json - Convert Excel to JSON Online | Excel to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_json - Convert CSV to JSON Online | CSV to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
header(optional)Use first line of the file as a columns header:
index_records(optional)Add index attribute for records:
ignore_errors(optional)Ignore validation errors:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_to_yaml - Convert JSON to YAML Online | JSON to YAML Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_objects_to_csv - Convert JSON objects (one per line) to CSV Online | JSON to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.json_objects_to_excel - Convert JSON objects (one per line) to Excel Online | JSON to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.bson_to_csv - Convert BSON (MongoDB Dump) to CSV Online | BSON to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
bson_raw(optional)Export raw BSON data:
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.bson_to_excel - Convert BSON (MongoDB Dump) to Excel Online | BSON to Excel Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
bson_raw(optional)Export raw BSON data:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.yaml_to_json - Convert YAML to JSON Online | YAML to JSON Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_csv - Convert SRT to CSV Online | SRT to CSV Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert
quote(optional)Always quote all non-empty fields:

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_excel - SRT to Excel Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLSX
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_xlsx - SRT to XLSX Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLSX
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.srt_to_xls - SRT to XLS Converter Online | Convert Subtitles to XLS
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.csv_to_srt - Convert CSV to SRT Online | CSV to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.excel_to_srt - Convert Excel to SRT | Excel to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xlsx_to_srt - Convert XLSX to SRT | XLSX to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

convert.xls_to_srt - Convert XLS to SRT | XLS to SRT Converter
ParameterRequiredPossible values
file_id(required)file_id of the file to convert

For optional parameters the default value highlighted in bold text.

The following sample API request creates new conversion task:

curl -sSX POST https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>" \
  -d '{
  "type": "convert.website_to_jpg",
  "options": {
    "url": "http://google.com",
    "images": "yes"


  "error": "<error text>",
  "task_id": "<task_id>"

In case of error, <error text> will be any not null text value, it will contain the description of error.

  "error": "Bad type",

In case of success, it will return <task_id>. You should use Get conversion task status request to find out when conversion task will be finished.

  "error": null,
  "task_id": "4147c475ffe94ec8a11aff9a6a8f437a"

Step 3. Get conversion task status

You should perform this check in a loop, until task will be finished (see status field).

Important! Please send this request not more often than every 5-10 seconds.


GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks/<task_id>


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: application/json

URL parameters:

task_id(required)This is the task_id returned in the previous step.

The following sample API request checks the conversion task status:

curl -sSX GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/tasks/d9b5369bfc6541d88581d4ff80954917 \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API Token>"


  "error": "<error text>",
  "status": "<status>",
  "file_id": "<file_id>"

In case of error, <error text> will be any not null text value, it will contain the description of error.

status is one of the following:

  • PENDING - task is queued and waiting to be processed
  • RUNNING - task is running
  • SUCCESS - task is finished successfully
  • ERROR - task is finished with an error

When status is PENDING or RUNNING, response will have an empty file_id field, for example:

  "error": null,
  "status": "RUNNING",
  "file_id": null

When status is SUCCESS, response will have file_id of the result file, for example:

  "error": null,
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "file_id": "ce87de1a680c4451a49a72df3fecd3fe"

When status is ERROR, response will have error field with description of the error:

  "error": "Wrong file format",
  "status": "ERROR",
  "file_id": null

When status returned as SUCCESS or ERROR - this means that the conversion process is finished and you can download the result file using file_id (request is described in the next step) or analyse the error.

Step 4. Download result file


GET https://api.conversiontools.io/v1/files/<file_id>


Authorization: Bearer <API Token>
Content-Type: application/json

URL parameters:

<file_id>(required)This is the file_id of the file you need to download, for example, file_id returned in the previous step get task status.


The response will contain a Content-Disposition: attachment; HTTP header, which should trigger the file download process (if you're using a browser).

Available Conversion Types
Conversion TypeDescription
convert.ocr_png_to_textPNG to Text Converter Online | OCR PNG Image to Text
convert.ocr_jpg_to_textOCR: Convert JPG to Text Online | JPG to Text Converter
convert.ocr_png_to_pdfOCR: Convert PNG to PDF Online | PNG to PDF Converter
convert.ocr_jpg_to_pdfOCR: Convert JPG to PDF Online | JPG to PDF Converter
convert.ocr_pdf_to_textOCR: Convert PDF to Text Online | PDF to Text Converter
convert.ocr_pdf_to_pdfOCR: Convert PDF Image to PDF Text Online | PDF Converter
convert.mov_to_mp4Convert MOV to MP4 Online | MOV to MP4 Converter
convert.mkv_to_mp4Convert MKV to MP4 Online | MKV to MP4 Converter
convert.avi_to_mp4Convert AVI to MP4 Online | AVI to MP4 Converter
convert.mp4_to_mp3Convert MP4 to MP3 Online | MP4 to MP3 Converter
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Need help?

If you have any questions regarding the use of the Conversion Tools REST API - feel free to contact us.