Excel to PDF conversion can be used to create a printed version of the Excel spreadsheet in a single PDF document. The result PDF document could be used for viewing the data or for printing it on the printer.
Excel file has the data stored in a form of spreadsheets or tables and the styles which define how the data should be visually represented.
Saving an Excel spreadsheets into PDF file represented the same way as printing the Excel document to the printer. But in our case, it is printed to the PDF file.
Excel format is the file format used in Microsoft Office Excel program.
File in Excel format has extension: .xls or .xlsx, depending on the Excel version.
Data inside Excel file is stored in a form of spreadsheets or tables.
The "Portable Document Format (PDF)" was introduced by Adobe to present text documents that contain formatted text and images.
"Portable" means that this format should be independent of the operating system (OS) and supposed to be used on any software platform.
The PDF format is widely used for printable documents.
A PDF file may contain text formatting, images, and may include the fonts
PDF files may contain formatted text and images.
When text in PDF file is written using a special font - such font might be included inside the PDF file, so when printing font is used for rendering the formatted text.