Conversion Plan: Non-registered user
10 MB file size limit

10 conversions per day

Conversions used

0 / 10

Convert JSON to XML

Online Converter: Convert JSON file into XML format

Set options and click 'Run Conversion' button
Drag and Drop the file on "Browse" button or click "Browse" to select the file
For batch conversion upload archive (zip, rar, 7z, xz).
White space for indentation
Click button to run the conversion
5.0 - 4 votes
We offer Custom Converter development to provide you with a fully customized solution of files conversion and data processing based on your business or personal requirements. Learn more.

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With our JSON to XML Converter you can easily transform the structured content of a JSON file into XML format.

Why convert JSON to XML?

Both JSON and XML formats are widely used in a variety of software applications and web services for data interchange or file storage.

While JSON is more popular and faster to process, some applications are designed to only work with XML files. This is where our Converter comes in, transforming your JSON data into XML.

How our JSON to XML Converter Works

Our JSON to XML Converter works by transforming JSON objects into XML nodes and JSON arrays into a set of XML nodes.

For example, a JSON file like this:Sample JSON file

would be converted to an XML file like this:Sample JSON file converted to XML format

JSON File Format

JSON Format

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. and is a text file format that can be edited in any text editor. JSON files typically have the extension .json and contain different types of data, including objects, arrays, and attributes.

JSON Format Data

  • Objects are data structures with key-value attributes on the same level.
  • Attributes are key-value pairs and can only be used inside objects.
  • Arrays are sets of objects.

Sample JSON object:

  "type": "book",
  "name": "Book of success",
  "price": "24.99"

Sample JSON object with a single key-value pair:

  "type": "book"

Sample set of JSON objects if a form of an Array:

    "type": "book",
    "quantity": 5
    "type": "magazine",
    "quantity": 12

JSON files are commonly used for storing data or configuration, as well as for data interchange between different applications. It is one of the most popular formats used on the Internet for data interchange between websites, internet services, or APIs.

File Format Information

Read more about JSON file format on the following resources:

XML File Format

XML Format

XML stands for "Extensible Markup Language" and is a machine-readable and human-readable format that can be edited in any text editor.

XML Tags

XML tags must have correctly defined names, starting with a letter and not a number. For example, <Products> is a valid tag name, while <1stWeekData> is not.

Start and End Tags

XML tags have defined start and end tags, also known as opening and closing tags. For example, <Products> is the start tag and </Products> is the end tag.

XML Root Element

An XML document can have only one root element, which is the start and end tag that contains all other XML content.

Special Characters Escaping

Special characters inside XML like <, >, &, ' and " should be escaped as follows:

  • &lt; represents <
  • &gt; represents >
  • &amp; represents &
  • &apos; represents '
  • &quot; represents "

XML Encoding

XML encoding is defined in the XML file as the first line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

We support all encoding formats. The most popular encoding is "UTF-8".

File Format Information

Read more about XML file format on the following resources:

Benefits of Using our JSON to XML Converter

  • Easy to use: Our online converter is user-friendly and easy to navigate, allowing you to convert your files with minimal hassle.
  • Fast and efficient: Our converter quickly and accurately transforms your JSON files into XML format.
  • Safe and secure: We understand the importance of keeping your data safe and secure. Our converter uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect your files during the conversion process.
  • Compatible with a wide range of formats: Our converter can handle a variety of different JSON file formats, ensuring that your files will be properly converted regardless of their structure.
  • Cost-effective: Our online converter is a cost-effective solution for converting your JSON files to XML without the need for expensive software or specialized skills.

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert JSON to XML?

Use our JSON to XML Converter to convert any JSON file to XML format.

Steps to use the Converter:

  • Select the JSON file you wish to convert
  • Click on the 'Run Conversion' button
  • Wait for the conversion process to complete
  • Download the converted file in XML format.
  • Logging in to the user account is the most secure way to work with your files. Register your account now!
  • The time spent for the conversion depends on the file size. Please be patient while the conversion is being processed. We are working on performance improvement.
  • To provide the reliable operation of services, we defined limits for the number of conversions and uploading file size. Limits depend on the Conversion Plan that you will use. You can check available Conversion Plans on the Pricing page.
  • Unregistered users has the following limits: 10 conversions per day, 10 MB per uploaded file. Register your account now to extend limits for free.
  • If you would like to convert very large files or if you experience problems converting your file - feel free to contact us, our team is able to solve almost any conversion problem.
Conversion Plan: Non-registered user
10 MB file size limit

10 conversions per day

Conversions used

0 / 10

Convert JSON to XML

Online Converter: Convert JSON file into XML format

Set options and click 'Run Conversion' button
Drag and Drop the file on "Browse" button or click "Browse" to select the file
For batch conversion upload archive (zip, rar, 7z, xz).
White space for indentation
Click button to run the conversion
5.0 - 4 votes
We offer Custom Converter development to provide you with a fully customized solution of files conversion and data processing based on your business or personal requirements. Learn more.

You may help others to find this website - Share your experience!

With our JSON to XML Converter you can easily transform the structured content of a JSON file into XML format.

Why convert JSON to XML?

Both JSON and XML formats are widely used in a variety of software applications and web services for data interchange or file storage.

While JSON is more popular and faster to process, some applications are designed to only work with XML files. This is where our Converter comes in, transforming your JSON data into XML.

How our JSON to XML Converter Works

Our JSON to XML Converter works by transforming JSON objects into XML nodes and JSON arrays into a set of XML nodes.

For example, a JSON file like this:Sample JSON file

would be converted to an XML file like this:Sample JSON file converted to XML format

JSON File Format

JSON Format

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. and is a text file format that can be edited in any text editor. JSON files typically have the extension .json and contain different types of data, including objects, arrays, and attributes.

JSON Format Data

  • Objects are data structures with key-value attributes on the same level.
  • Attributes are key-value pairs and can only be used inside objects.
  • Arrays are sets of objects.

Sample JSON object:

  "type": "book",
  "name": "Book of success",
  "price": "24.99"

Sample JSON object with a single key-value pair:

  "type": "book"

Sample set of JSON objects if a form of an Array:

    "type": "book",
    "quantity": 5
    "type": "magazine",
    "quantity": 12

JSON files are commonly used for storing data or configuration, as well as for data interchange between different applications. It is one of the most popular formats used on the Internet for data interchange between websites, internet services, or APIs.

File Format Information

Read more about JSON file format on the following resources:

XML File Format

XML Format

XML stands for "Extensible Markup Language" and is a machine-readable and human-readable format that can be edited in any text editor.

XML Tags

XML tags must have correctly defined names, starting with a letter and not a number. For example, <Products> is a valid tag name, while <1stWeekData> is not.

Start and End Tags

XML tags have defined start and end tags, also known as opening and closing tags. For example, <Products> is the start tag and </Products> is the end tag.

XML Root Element

An XML document can have only one root element, which is the start and end tag that contains all other XML content.

Special Characters Escaping

Special characters inside XML like <, >, &, ' and " should be escaped as follows:

  • &lt; represents <
  • &gt; represents >
  • &amp; represents &
  • &apos; represents '
  • &quot; represents "

XML Encoding

XML encoding is defined in the XML file as the first line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

We support all encoding formats. The most popular encoding is "UTF-8".

File Format Information

Read more about XML file format on the following resources:

Benefits of Using our JSON to XML Converter

  • Easy to use: Our online converter is user-friendly and easy to navigate, allowing you to convert your files with minimal hassle.
  • Fast and efficient: Our converter quickly and accurately transforms your JSON files into XML format.
  • Safe and secure: We understand the importance of keeping your data safe and secure. Our converter uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect your files during the conversion process.
  • Compatible with a wide range of formats: Our converter can handle a variety of different JSON file formats, ensuring that your files will be properly converted regardless of their structure.
  • Cost-effective: Our online converter is a cost-effective solution for converting your JSON files to XML without the need for expensive software or specialized skills.

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert JSON to XML?

Use our JSON to XML Converter to convert any JSON file to XML format.

Steps to use the Converter:

  • Select the JSON file you wish to convert
  • Click on the 'Run Conversion' button
  • Wait for the conversion process to complete
  • Download the converted file in XML format.
  • Logging in to the user account is the most secure way to work with your files. Register your account now!
  • The time spent for the conversion depends on the file size. Please be patient while the conversion is being processed. We are working on performance improvement.
  • To provide the reliable operation of services, we defined limits for the number of conversions and uploading file size. Limits depend on the Conversion Plan that you will use. You can check available Conversion Plans on the Pricing page.
  • Unregistered users has the following limits: 10 conversions per day, 10 MB per uploaded file. Register your account now to extend limits for free.
  • If you would like to convert very large files or if you experience problems converting your file - feel free to contact us, our team is able to solve almost any conversion problem.